Intro to all my current Simmies - YOU MAY BE HERE! lol
I made a Sims 2 neighborhood consisting of Real Life People I've known and grew up with. Since Sims who start out younger have more time to build skills and aspiration points than sims who start as adults/young adults, I made us all as kids, with our families. I try to play as organically as possible, not being a control freak about making them uber successful, but following thier wants rather than the *perfect* way to do it, and keeping cheats to a minimum. I am a stickler for people aging properly (with a few exceptions) so I play the houses in an order so that all the parents will be elders at the same time and no adults will have childhood friends that never grow up. My game has no 3rd party or user created downloads, just Maxis releases, it's pretty vanilla. I also try to keep NPC (non player characters) interactions to a minimum, because while the playable sims will age, the NPC's wont, unless I make them playable, and man, I don't want to have a bazillion sims to play (I've already got 1/2 a bazillion, heh).
The things I strive for are authenticity in wants, (If a sim spins up a want to do something, I try to make it happen, I am a benevolant creator, heh) fulfillment of Lifetime Wants (LTW - if a sim fulfills thier LTW, they are platinum - in a really good mood - for the rest of thier lives, and they get a special urn or tombstone when they die.) and a mostly non-group-incestous group. Unless there's a current relationship IRL, or the sim *reallyreally* wants to interact in certain (romantic) ways with another playable sim, I'm trying to stay away from intergroup romances. For our main spouses, I'm going to try to pick townies, but sims have a mind of thier own sometimes. When it comes time to pick an aspiration/turn ons/offs for sims that I don't already have an idea for, I use dice to roll it up randomly.
I'd LIKE to say that if disaster strikes and someone dies prematurely, I'll just accept it and move them into the Simatery that I built, but I don't know, we'll have to see. I'm TRYING to keep this as real-sim-life as possible, heh.
The things I didn't care so much about was the parent's names, thier looks, or their jobs. I tried for realism to a point, but when I couldn't remember what a certain person's parents looked like, or thier exact names or jobs, I winged it. And if I remembered you living with a step parent, they're your real Sim parent. Don't be offended, please. For thier looks, I tried to keep a basic face shape and such in the family, so some of the parents look nothing like thier real life counterparts.
Here's the story up to last night. I didn't get any screencaps till last night because I'm not real quick with the camera button, but I'll try to get better...some of the people who these sims represent are buggin' me for pictures, lol. The family shots are from when they were first made, so siblings that came along afterwards aren't pictured, and the growing up that has occurred is not pictured. I've used certain families real last names, those families will have thier anonymity protected, just in case. Sorry about the first names guys, if you have a real problem with it, let me know.
- The L* family:
- The Moo Family:
Jim, Hepher's dad and Gma's son. Fortune sim, he's *just* on the edge of getting his LTW to be a Criminal Mastermind. (He needs more friends tho, since Hepher moved out and took most of the family friends.)
Gma, Deceased now, I wanted an elder sim to start out with. She was a complete bitch, just like RL, heh. Had actual fistfights with sims when out on community lots and not under my control.
Hepher, The main sim of the story. She's a Family sim, she wants to marry off 6 kids...that should be interesting. As a teenager, she maxed out the Military career track. In college now, (Looking to get her MRS.?)rooming with Angel, poor Hepher's had it rough. The death of Gma took a toll on her aspiration points, so she didn't grow up Platinum like the rest of the main kids. :( - The Kins family:
This family had me *dying* for a while, too many babies/toddlers/people eventually...settled down a bit tho...I do love the house they're in, it just needs some build mode work.
Adelle, Natural mother to Coley and Matt, step mom to Alieen and Q. Knowledge sim, I *think* her LTW is to be a Mad Scientist.
Volod, Dad to Coley and Matt, ?Mom? to Alieen and Q. When Matt was still a toddler, Volod kept wanting to gain logic points with the telescope, being a knowledge sim, (Pretty sure his LTW is to be a Chief of Staff, but I could be wrong) and he wound up getting abducted by aliens. He came back pregnant with little Alieen. After Alieen was born, he kept spinning up the want to "Meet the Aliens" again, and he did, a day later, making Alieen and Q just a day apart, with Matt just turned into a child. It was rough. He's no longer allowed near the telescope.
Coley is the main character in this one. She's a knowledge sim, like her mom and Volod. Currently living in a dorm with her boyfriend and a couple of other simmies. Very creative.
Matt, Coley's little brother. IRL he's a fledgling rapper, and it was so cute when he kept spinning up the want to "freestyle for tips". He's a Pleasure sim, and continually wants to jump on the couch. Currently waiting for the new year to start so he can go to College. He's a little creepy looking in his toddler pic, but he's grown up to be a nice looking teen sim. I didn't realize till I saw him that the "family head" I picked for him, Adelle and Coley actually had elf ears till I saw him in game, but they're all cute as heck, so that's ok.
Marvin, a Family oriented Servo. With all the crazy babies and toddlers and parents at work, it was easier to go buy some household help. He's done alright, but hepisses me off on occasion because he cooks way too much food and then eats a plate even tho he doesn't have a hunger bar. Has gone nuts occasionally because of lack of aspiration points (although he's got a girlfriend now, so hopefully that'll be better, just don't know what I'm going to do if they want to get married), and has broken himself and run amok and electrocuted a sim or 2 a couple of times because he'll clean a shower that's spraying water because it's broken and needs repair, and I *think* he jumped in the pool once... mabye he's got a suicide wish? Heh.
Alieen, Product of Volod'sfirst abduction, she kind of creeped me out a little when she was born...very seriously pointy cheekbones and chin, really concave cheeks. She's gotten a bit cuter as she gets older, and has maxed out nice and outgoing points. Knowledge sim, not sure what her LTW is. Waiting for the main group of sims to graduate from college, when it'll be her and her "twins" turn.
Q is a cuter alien baby, with a little fuller cheeks and not so much of a prominent chin. Still with maxed nice and outgoing points, but I rolled up popularity for her. These 2 sort of run together for me, since I cheated her up a day so that I didn't have to deal with a birthday for 2 days in a row. - The B* family:
Rick, Dad to Kelly, he's just been promoted to General,the top of the Military career track. It amuses me to no end that the Militarytrack requres *NO* logic skil points, heh. One half of the horniest sim coupleI've *ever* met. If he's got a day off, he's gonna spend it in bed all darn daywith...
Nella, Kelly's mom, majorly creative sim. Maybethat's why Rick is constantly wanting to WooHoo with her, heh. And when it's notRick spinning up the wants, it's her. They're cute, too, it's not all justhumpin' with these 2, they're always wanting to talk and hug and flirt. *So*cute. She's maxed out the creativity skill and is a stay at home sim, spendingher days while Rick's at work writing best selling novels and paintingmasterpieces.
Kelly is a Knowledge sim, Coley's RLboyfriend. He's a bit shy, but him and Coley have hit it off very cutely.Currently living at the dorms. He painted a cute picture of Coley to bring withhim to the dorms.
Rosie, the other servo in the game. Iadded her because Marvin Kins kept wanting to get married and fall in love(being a family sim) and have only just recently developed a relationshipbetween them. She irritates me like Marvin does, only doesn't seem to have adeath wish. She does seem a litle buggy when she breaks, at one point I thoughtI was going to have to delete her, but I think I've found a work around. - The Poo family:
Deb is Scooter and Stacy and Paul's mom. She's my mostpersistant "Have a BABY!!" Family sim. She was the town MILF, all the guys inthe neighborhood got hearts when they thought of her.
Louie is a Fortune sim. IRL, he's not even married toDeb anymore, and was just a step parent to Stacy and Scooter, but like I said,that's what I remember from growing up, so it is thusly in my game. Nyah. I'mGod, heh.
Scooter, my first Pleasure Aspiration sim.His LTW to have 50 1st dates is likely going to be hampered by the fact that Iput his RL girlfriend in the game, sadly. I like Scooter, he's very easy going,I can almost predict the wants that he'll spin up first thing in the morning, 1)Juggle 2) light a fire in the fireplace and 3) skip class, heh.
Stacy is the main sim of the family. Another PleasureAspiration with the 50 1st dates want, she's always been a bit of a hussy. It'salmost like she wanted to be a Romance sim, but I couldn't make her that slutty,lol. At one point when she was a teenager, I had to be very careful about theactions she had with any guy sim while on a community lot because you never knowwho'll be on them, and she had like 4 of the guys on a string. Seems to have anunhealthy fixation on one of them tho... I don't like it, and RL Stacy hatesthis guy in particular, heh. Currently at college, wooing and pissing off boys.
Paul, just recently a toddler, he was a product ofDeb's "LET ME HAVE A BABY ALREADY, DAMMIT!" want after Stacy went off tocollege. Buggiest baby I've ever had, I've had to do some creative cheating tomake sure he got taken care of properly as a baby. IRL, technically Scooter andStacy's OLDER brother, but I didn't know about him when we were kids. When Debhad a baby boy, I was at a loss as to what to name him, but then I rememberedhim, heh. - The D* family:
Bill, once single dad to Jeffy and Anner, he's one ofthose sims who look nothing like thier RL counterpart. Recently married to amuch younger townie (can't remember her name, dammitall) because he had aserious fear of not getting married before he grew old. Married him off lasttime I played and realized how many days older than her he was, so I busted outthe Elixer of life to add some days for him.
Jeffy, oneof my uber overachievers. He's a Fortune sim, and did very well as a teen, withbalancing a job and schoolwork. In college now, getting his heart broke andstaying on the Dean's List.
Anner is Scooter's reallife girlfriend. She's a Knowledge sim, and has maxed out I don't even know HOWmany skills. She should do well in college next year. I'm a little concernedabout her and Scooter, because they were wonderful teens together (First simScooter ever brought home from school when they were kids was her, *awww*) butonce Scooter went off to college, they seem to be growing apart. :( We'll see.
New Wife, she's a Romance sim, which doesn't bode wellfor poor Bill. We'll see how that turns out. - The S* family:
(If thereal Grettie ever sees this, she's gonna kill me for her parent's names, but Icouldn't for the life of me remember what they were, heh)
Frank, typical Fortune sim/Dad. His LTW is to be aCriminal Mastermind, but dude, I'm gonna have so many of them in theneighborhood if everyone reaches thier LTWs, I figured I'd just make him abusinessman. He's at the top of that track tho, which is nice, the first sim toget to the top.
Leisel, Family Sim, typical Mom. LTW tograduate 3 kids from college, hence Summer. Nothing real noteable about her,except the fact that I tried to draw something of a parallel between her RL joband her Sim's job...she's in the Medical track, heh. (Snorting yet, Grettie?Just wait, heh)
Chris, The RL hot older brother, afortune Sim and one of the first 3 neighborhood sims to go to college. One ofthe exceptions I made about the incestuous group thing, because as a teen, hetook a MAJOR liking to Angel (I swear I didn't do that on purpose). Had afrightening want in college (Him and Angel share a dorm) to propose to her, butI quashed that, I'm not sure if I want her to marry him. Cute the way he dreamsabout her tho, heh. Major overachiever in both Teen years and now College.
Grettie, the main sim in this family. Currently incollege, waiting to be played. (Her household's on the list for tonight :) )Growing up has given her some unfortunate facial features, I should prolly fixthem. She was a cute kid, a very cute teen, but when she grew up, she got thishorrible frown. It makes me sad. Cracked me up the clothes that Maxis put her intho...a frilly pink dress! LOL.
Summer doesn't existIRL. Actually named after Grettie's dog growing up, heh. (Sorry Gret, heh) Willgo to college when Alieen and Q go... she's got some time to grow on me. - The HS family:
Thisfamily I did model after real people, but for a specific reason. I made thier"House" into an apartment complex modeled after apartments from my childhood, touse as a halfway house type thing for sims coming from college, and maybe forsims moving out of the family home into a retirement type situation. They'rekind of just a placeholder family for the apartment complex.
Mary, Another elder sim right off the bat, she's beeninteresting to see if I can fulfill her LTW of maxing all her skills out(Knowledge Sim) before she dies. She's kind of just a placeholder till Georgiegets home from college and can hold down the apartment complex.
Melissa probably didn't exist, and for sure didn'texist in this capacity. In order to make Georgie Mary's grandson, there had tobe a parent "go between". I killed her off so that Mary could have a ghost tosee as well. She's an ok ghost tho...
Georgie, aaaaah,a slutty Romance sim, heh. I didn't know him for very long IRL, but when I did,he was the gigolo of our age group. This is the Sim that RL Stacy wants to killme for, lol. In college, trying to get woohooed, heh.
Sue, single mother to Angel and Levi. She's a Familysim, so she has a LTW to graduate 3 kids from college, but after I adopted Leviand told the RL Sue about it she was like "NOOOO!! NO MORE KIDS!" heh. So, shewon't die platinum. I'm pretty sure she's in the Science career track, and doingfairly well in it. Since Angel moved out to college and took the family friendswith her, she's been on a mad scramble to make adult friends of her own so shedoesn't get demoted for not having enough contacts.
Angel, now in College with the rest of the main groupof sims. Popularity Aspiration, her LTW is to be a Hall of Famer (I think). Iwould have picked a differnt LTW for this particular sim, based on RL, but*whatever*.
Levi, adopted in because of Sue's LTW.Fortune sim, his LTW is to be a Criminal Mastermind. Alright kid, nothingspectacular, kind of dippy looking tho...has been an overachiever as a teen sofar, holding down the max teen job in the Crime career track as well as an A orbetter in school. Will be in the next batch of sims to go to College.
- Household 1 consists of:
- Angel- She's enjoying college, a Drama major to go along with her LTW. Has a relationship with Chris S., but I'm not sure if that'll pan. I think I want her to be a little more fancy free than to have a future Mr. Angel this early in life. Finished her freshman year with decent grades.
- Hepher- Sadly, one of those sims that doesn't stand out much. Attends classes, has friends. I'm looking for a man for her so she doesn't have to waste her adult days looking so she can get on with her LTW of having and marrying off 6 kids, heh.
- Kelly E.- Aaaaah, my slutty Romance sim girl :) I only just rediscovered the REAL Kelly, so I had to put her in my game somewhere. She cracks me up, she's only attended one class her 2nd semester of freshman year...long enough to meet the professor that she spent all of 2nd semester seducing... and made the Dean's List, lol. She's very ...friendly. When Cix was still in the dorm, he was the only one with a double bed, and of course, baby, his room was *always* open. She decided to walk in there, swirl into her undies, and hop into bed with him to sleep. I was like "!!! Hey!! You've got your room, *with* a bed, AND you DO have pajamas, you little hussy!" Sims make thier own decisions sometimes. :D
- Chris S. - Seriously an over achiever, kept a GPA of 4.0 all the whole time he's been in college, probably because practically the only things he spins up is school related wants, and Angel related wants. He's kind of creepy in a way, unless I have him queued up for actions, he'll lurk around her, almost stalkerish, waiting for his chance to tickle her, or flirt with her, or have a pillow fight with her. He's just finished his Junior year, so maybe he'll be out of her hair for a while, heh.
- Jeffy- Continues to over achieve, tho some recent personal relationships have put a damper on his mood. He's currently Majoring in Literature so that he can TAKE OVER THE WORLD with eloquent speeches when he's a Criminal Mastermind.
- Stacy- Continues to be a hussy! LOL! Just finished freshman year. She's got a creepy thing to constantly phone stalk Georgie.
- Chris Wheatbread- I had to add this guy in there, he's a Pleasure Sim, with a LTW to become a CELEBRITY CHEF!! (Heeee!) He greatly enjoys frolicking nakee, too, heh.
- George- This is a townie teen that developed relationships with my teens, so I couldn't just leave him in the NeverNeverLand of teendom. So, I sent him off to college, and he's kind of boring, one of those overachieving Fortune Sims. He's going to become one of those Fiendish Criminal Masterminds because he's a MATH MAJOR. *shudder* I just played these guys last night, and have some very amusing screenies of a couple of them.
- Coley
- Kelly B.
- Grettie
- Armando- Townie Teen, has a small part in last night's amusing hijinks. Sadly, I havn't played these guys in a while, they're due to be the next household I play, so hopefully I'll get some more details about them later.
- Cix- One of those people I met later in life that I couldn't resist making into a sim. He's a Romance sim, and currently has something going with one of the hired Maids that come to the house/dorm and clean. She's only the first of many conquests. He's currently working on a couple others, we'll see what happens next time I play him. Just finished junior year, Sim State university just won't be the same without him, heh.
- Scooter- Floatin' along, getting passable grades, keeps spinning up wants to juggle a lot. He should be able to continue to skate along through his next and final year in college.
- Meadow- Townie rescued from never growing up, she was the town hottie that everyone liked. Turns out she's a Family sim, but the funny thing about her is that everyone that came across her as a teenager developed a crush on and usually eventually dated. I introduced her to Georgie, who was the neighborhood gigolo as a teen and every girl he met threw herself at, so I figured they'd be perfect for eachother. But no...on the first evening they knew eachother, they became great friends (relationship points 90 out of 100! In ONE EVENING!) but there was ZERO attraction to eachother as more than just friends. Kinda suprised me, really. Just when you think you understand these sims they throw you for a loop.
- Georgie- He's got a pretty big part in last night's drama, I'll leave him for the next post.
*Whew* So, here they are, all my currently being played Sims. The story should evolve from here, and hopefully it'll be pictorally documented and posted. :)
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