Friday, June 16, 2006

The Sims - AA Household - Lovers and Fighters!

Oh good lord...I have !!85!! pics to edit so that I can post them. What a night of playing. Stacy, let's just say that you're not the only hussy anymore, heh. And I never thought Scooter had it in him to...well, you'll see...Check back soon...

Edited 6/27

(Please pardon some of the "walls down" shots...they were the only way I could get good angles on some of the action. Whenever you can see into what looks like it *should* be a different room, that's because it is, especially when there's a door in the shot, heh. I'm also realizing that these pics are too small too... I guess I'll have to bump up the original shots to max size... next time I play, they'll look better)

Aaah, so here we are, in the AA household with

Georgie, Cix, Meadow and Scooter.

Meadow is *not* impressed with Georgie...

Meadow: OMG, what a dork...look at how he dances! Ewww!

(She's got little "X"s floating around her head and is clutching her tummy and mouth in a pukey guesture, heh...Universal sim sign for "UGH!")

It's thier first day in the new dorm, so of course, Georgie's lookin to make some new contacts...preferably female, of course. He spots Kaylynn the maid.

Georgie: "So, baby, how's the weather out there?"
Kaylynn: ".... uh... yeah."

I was starting to wonder if Scooter bumped his head in the move or something, the wants that spun up immediately upon entering the lot were academic!! He wanted to do an assignment and write a term paper!

Figured I'd let him start out easy by just completing the assignment, didn't want the poor boy's head to asplode or nothin, heh.

This was only the beginning of Scooter's troubles for the semester. After completing the assignment, (The want to do a term paper spun away, I think he'd realized that schoolwork sucked, heh) he meandered into the kitchen to get some food. There he encountered Randy (I *think* that was the guy's name, at least)

"Hey Fucker! I don't think I like the way you're...wearing your hat! *poke*"

"Oh YEAH??" *shove*


"I think I like it about as much as you like THIS!"

"Oh *YEAH??*"

"Heh heh, *THOUGHT* so, Bitch...

Randy cried, heh. I thought maybe that would be it...I never thought that laid back Scooter would ever have anyone NOT like him, at least, not like him that VIGOROUSLY and unprovoked, that is...

Cix, on the other hand, was just innocently gossiping about Chris with Meadow...

When some more unprovoked feelings occur:

"OOOH, Cix! The way you whisper sweet Chris-things in my ear just makes me feel all heart-y around my head for you!!"

(At this I shudder. It's NO GOOD having a romance sim living with someone that's got a thing for them, as I found out so painfully in the past... *SOMEBODY'S* bound to get hurt eventually.)

"Come here, baby, lemme give you a little smooch while I cop a feel"

(It just looks like that from the camera angle, heh.)

And then, after the smoochin, the unthinkable occurs...

"Now *I've* got a hard..erm... hearts for you too, baby! Let's take this somewhere a little more private..."

(The minute they kissed, he got the bright idea in his wants to get a double bed. Suprised? Naah, me neither...)

"So, now that we're a little more comfortable, how 'bout some more smoochin'?"

"OOH! Yes, please! I liked smoochin'!"

Smooching ensues.

Then, because Meadow is a good girl, after some snugglin', she gets up and leaves the room...granted, she's all swooney and sigh-y...

To dream her own dreams of...

Jeffy, of course. Her teen fling...wonder what he's up to now? ;)

Cix has got his own dreams of past loves goin on...

"Oh Loooooocy..."

And, because Simmies are self centered creatures...

Dreams of Themselves.

(It was amusing...just before I snapped this pic, Georgie, in the middle room/bed there was dreaming of himself, but I missed it, sadly)

I think everyone's sleeping peacefully, but *OH NO*. The second I take my eyes off of one sim, they start causing a ruckus. Ruckus noises of a fight, to be precise. I hear it going on, and I'm like "Holy shit! Who's fighting!" and pause and scroll around looking for the dust cloud...

Who the hell!! Oh shit, there's a plumbob...that's one of MINE!


"Put 'em up...put 'em up!!"

"OW! Not the eyes!"

"HA! I kicked your ass good!"

Scooter was definitely feeling congratulatory, and as Randy hauled his sorry carcass out the room, Scooter whipped out his iPod and listened to a little "Eye of the Tiger"...

Morning finds Georgie at it again...

Georgie: "So, you know, the arctic chicken holds THIS posture when he skiis..."

And it looks like she might be warming up to him a bit

Kaylynn: "Ok, you're somewhat amusing, look, a positive interaction icon floating above my head...."

But no, things can't remain peaceful for long...

"You think you kicked my ass last night??"

"Well, oh no you DIN'T!"

"Who's the man now, eh? Pfft...guys in hats..."

Tensions must have been running high in the dorm, because shortly after that, Cix tried to flirt with Meadow and she rebuffed him. She wasn't havin' none of that. A little later, they were in the bathroom, and he gave her the cold shoulder when she tried to get a little frisky. This, suprisingly, turned into an arguement.

"And stop telling me my head is as light and airy as a a summer cloud!! It sounded SOOOOO romantic the other night, but when I told my BestFriendForever, she was all "HAHAHAHA!!" and told me what you REALLY meant!"
Cix: "Of course that's not what it meant, honey sweetie babykins! I was just tryin' to say that..."

And there was hope in my heart that this was only just a minor fling, and she'd eventually be able to get over him and find a nice boy to settle down with and become SuperMom like the sweet little family sim she is.

She looks pretty happy about the negatives herself...

From that point on, I was on a mission to get Georgie in trouble with someone, and teach him a lesson about bein' a playa. He spun up a want to ask Hepher out on a date, so I took them to FRB, figuring that on a community lot, he'd be bound to run into someone who wouldn't want to see him flirting with another girl...

Good 'ole FRB...

The tickles started outside

And then inside, the hearts flew,

And things escalated...

Georgie realized they needed to get off this lot and somewhere a little more private, so he called a cab:

"Yeah, Taxi Service?? I need to get off this lot RIGHT AWAY, the girl wants me BAD!"

But, true to form, he continued to try to get his mojo goin'...

"Mmm mmm mmmm! You are one FINE cabbie...gimme a call sometime, we'll talk patcholi and beaded seat covers, see where things take us! You can even keep the meter runnin, baby!"

He took Hepher to his lucky lot

The Penn Theater

And the "Photobooth of LOOOVE"...

"Come on in here honey, let's get those headlights shinin' brighter than the flashbulb..."

They exit, looking flustered and to much applause from the other simmies on the lot,

And the glow of public woohoo was apparent.

"Was fun, gottagoBYE!"

Back at the dorm, Cix decides that there needs to be some cleanin' done between his sheets, and invites his personal maid over...

"Aaaah, Lucy...I'll just give these pillows a fluff, and..."

Snugglin, Smoochin, eventual woohoo and some snoozin...

And another girl leaves Cix's dorm room all a-swoon...

On the last day of play for this household, I pull out a last ditch stop to get Georgie his smack down. And apparently Angel is his next hoped for conquest...

Georgie: "Oh Angel, I've had a serious need to see that beautiful shining plumbob of yours..."
Angel: "Who, me? Awwww, Shucks, you're so sweet!"

:Of course, baby! There's not a shinier platinum plumbob around!"

Apparently, she likes what she hears...

...a lot...

It doesn't look like everyone is so impressed by Georgie's patter, tho...

Scooter: *gasp*! "SHE'S..She's with HIM???" But...

Scooter: But she's Chris's girl!! My best friend!! Oh no!!

Scooter: "What a...What a HUSSY!"

Scooter: "Oh no...this can't go on...I'm gonna have to..."

Scooter: "I'm gonna have to KICK HIS ASS!!"



(note that Angel is rootin' for Scooter, not her "date", lol)

Uh oh... due to Georgie's maxed body skill, poor Scooter takes the worst of it...all for defending his friend.

Poor valiant Scooter.

"OOOH, I hate that bastard..."

Cix, despite still being friendly towards Georgie, definitely admires Scooter for his actions, and goes over to let him know with an (autonomous, mind you) Admire action.

Cix: "Hey man, stickin' up for your buddy like know, that was really cool. He's lucky to have a friend like you, really."

Apparently, Scooter doesn't harbor any ill will towards Angel, and they spend some time talkin' and gossiping,

and Angel even displays an intense dislike for Randy, Scooter's nemesis...

Angel: "Ugh! He's so gross!"
Scooter: "Yeah, I've got a want to See His Ghost, if you know what I mean..."

(Scooter really did spin up that want, and I about peed myself laughing about it...)

With Cix and Scooter's junior year finally over, Scooter comes to a decision.

Scooter: "Man, you know how I can't stand that fucker, always startin' shit with me...What do you say me and you and Chris relive our glory days and room together in private housing?
Cix: "Yeah, it'd get you away from Randy and Georgie, and give me a little room to stretch out my...uh, yeah, get me away from Meadow and free to pursue other interests. She's a sweet girl, but all her talk of her want for a hubby and a family is starting to creep me out. That new maid was cute too...any idea what Kelly's up to these days?"

And with that, Scooter hops on the puter to look for a house to rent for the 3 senior students.

"Bye Scooter! Keep in touch!"

*whew*. :) With Cix and Scooter and Chris moving out of thier dorms, it gives me a chance to get some other simmies into the dorms...but I'll post about that a little later ;)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

jesus i had tears in my eyes...i had to call scooter and let him know...he doesn't have internet tho :(
pretty need to update this shit every day

11:16 PM  

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